Fumigation for Moths in Warehouses - Moth Exterminator

Moth Fumigation & Fogging

How Western Fumigation Helps Get Rid of Moths

Cocoa moths, also known as tobacco or warehouse moths, are common pests in candy stores, storage warehouses, food processing plants, and restaurant pantries throughout New England and the Mid-Atlantic region. When adult female cocoa moths lay their eggs on packaged items like flour, cereal, tobacco products, nuts, cocoa, or dried fruit, the larvae burrow into the containers and contaminate their contents with silk webbing and droppings. Cocoa moth larvae often infest raw materials like grain and cacao beans. During harvesting and transport, they end up in storage facilities like warehouses and retail stores via product deliveries. Fumigating your establishment is an effective way to prevent cocoa moths from spreading throughout your facilities and ending up in your customers’ homes.

A common pantry pest, the Indian meal moth feeds on stored grains, dried fruits, nuts, cereals, pasta, and a variety of processed foods. Mid-Atlantic and New England businesses that store or sell dry goods, such as grocery stores, restaurants, silos, and warehouses, are at high risk for infestation. Although Indian meal moths don’t bite or carry known diseases, they still contaminate products and cause revenue loss. Adult Indian meal moths lay eggs and leave droppings in grains and other stored food while larvae feed on it and spin webs that are dense enough to see in heavy infestations. Health and sanitation departments can penalize business owners for spoiled products, which can temporarily shut down a business. Before word gets out and hurts your reputation, it’s best to handle the issue immediately and fumigate to keep Indian meal moths out of your business.

Western Fumigation Moth Plan

Step One


We will evaluate your building to see where the moths are, where they are coming from, and which kind you have.

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Step Two


We will consider and identify the best possible solution for your moth infestation.

Step Three


Whether fogging, fumigating, or our Advanced Moth Treatments is the answer, your moth infestation will be taken care of safely and effectively.

Quality, Safety & Security, Compliance

Our tenured, licensed, and experienced field teams take pride in their work. They are dedicated to doing it right the first time on every project. It allows us to guarantee our work every time. Let us do it for you the right way first. Our operational standards include measures that exceed regulatory requirements. We are the only fumigation company that guards our fumigation jobs 24/7 during operations and we don’t just leave when the tent comes off. We clear the structure of any pesticides and then – and only then – is the job officially done. The safety and security of our employees and customers are paramount, freeing you from having to worry about it. Fumigation is one of the most regulated services. We take extensive measures to ensure we are compliant with the proper permits before we treat. We know the rules and regulations and for your safety and ours, we are committed to following each requirement to the “tee.” You don’t need to concern yourself – let us handle it. When it comes to handling moths, we know that getting it done right the first time is paramount but getting it done safely and securely is more important. We focus on both.